A Printmaking Pit Stop

Thank you to Lakeland Public TV for the sweet little story.

We’re halfway through our fall tour! As we go from place to place, we also try to work with local schools or other community groups to help encourage the small fires they’re already building.

This time, we created a pop-up print space at Headwaters Music & Arts. Annie worked with Headwaters leadership, and with teachers and parents of current students, to spark some ideas for ways they might better support Native students and others who may not have the means to pay for instruments or the gas to get into town for lessons.

Fire in the Village artists come from rural communities where opportunities to explore art and music are hard to come by. Art space, mentorship, and connection to adults who care about your future can literally save lives and can help young people recognize their gifts and that they are not alone.

It's always fun to print with kids and their parents! It’s amazing how creative they get with just a few images and scraps of fabric. It didn't take long before they were running outside to find leaves or sticks or other natural objects to try printing those too - some of the parents were even putting our crow image and story on their clothing!

We partnered with educators at Voyageur Expeditionary School & Headwaters to raise over $700 to support a small group of students to rent instruments and access transportation to music classes this coming winter.

Miigwech everyone for bringing fire to the people!
(You can donate to the Headwaters School through this link)


Annie and Fire in the Village in Star Tribune


Fire in the Village on MPR News