Zaasaakwe & T-Bazz put on a Fashion Show

Photos by Lee Pelcher for Fire in the Village.

Zaasaakwe (Annie Humphrey) and Terri “T-Bazz” Laduke had their first fashion show in Grand Rapids.

They shared looks they’d designed and crafted from secondhand clothing, using print, natural dye, sewing, and beadwork.

Annie introduced the show by explaining in her own words how the fashion industry consumes and pollutes water around the world, and many of the garments we wear and dispose are made by people whose lands and labor are being exploited.

Many of the designs were made from textiles that were part of the fast fashion industry, and we took a moment to honor the hands who created them.

All of the looks were modeled by youth, elders and other members of our wider village. Annie incorporated the Fire in the Village image of Aandeg or Crow into some of the designs — read about how they brought fire to The People!

People were inspired by the spirit of support and creative possibilities. It was a fun and enriching experience & we hope to do more of this together with others in their villages.

Annie will be bringing this fashion experience to communities across the region during our Fire in the Village fall art and music tour, which kicks off September 12th with our Zaka’an Celebration at the Turf Club in St. Paul.

More dates and details will be posted soon on this page.


Introducing our new Village art space in Grand Rapids!